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Let’s get to know each other a little better. I will start :) I am from Indiana (Midwest boy for sure) and grew up there until I was 18 years old. I’m from a small town called Granger and am a HUGE Notre Dame fan. My childhood was filled with outdoor adventures, action figures, Nick Toons, and fun. My love for movies started when I saw Jurassic Park in the theater. What an experience!? Still floors me to this day. And it only grew from there when I saw Star Wars for the first time at my grandma’s house. Star Wars proved to be a defining movie for me and I am super excited for The Force Awakens.


I moved out to California to pursue my dream of becoming a filmmaker and attended California State University San Marcos. It was here that I made great friends, partied too hard, and met the love of my life, my girlfriend Steph. And I did graduate ;) Now I am working in LA and trying to become an adult.


If I could pick one thing to do, my dream job, it would be to create content for YouTube. I don't need tons of money or fame but I would love to tell stories and connect with others. I have a ton of story ideas that I would love to produce and tell and hope that I can one day make a living supporting this dream. I want to share with you some of the projects I have in the works because I am just so excited about them.


Growing up I used to play with action figures. Not collect them. Not open them and put them on my dresser. I used to play with them. Go on adventures and open my imagination in ways that rarely happens as an adult. But I have continued to write through the years and have tons of stories that I would love to share, but no budget to make them a reality. So I decided what the hell? How about you gather some action figures, bust out a camera, and start telling stories! Who says stories have to be told in a certain form? So my plan for these shows is to create my stories using whatever means I have at my disposal. Whether it is action figures , cardboard, stuffed animals, or a camera and some friends. I want to inspire other filmmakers to tell their stories as well. Don't give up and let the power of your story and characters shine through and everything else will fall in to place.


So now let's get to know you. Connect with me on social media and shoot me a message. I love meeting new people and fun conversation :)

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